Logan Delta2 - Delrin Turbo Whistle
Logan Whistles
Delta2 - the Delrin Turbo precision non-metallic whistle
This whistle is precision-crafted from Delrin - an extremely tactile, hard-wearing non-metallic material with a silky texture. Being a very dense material it is capable of being precision-machined in just the same way as Logan's metal whistles, taking a very sharp edge to produce crisp, sharp whistle sounds.
The Delta2 takes the two-hole Turbo design that has been so successful in the solid brass Logan Turbo and stainless steel Logan 304 Turbo whistles. This design changes the 'timbre' of the whistle sounds helping them cut through competing noise such as wind or echoes, crowd or traffic noise. You'll find this whistle will produce consistent sounds - soft for close work or crisp and sharp for use over extreme distance. It is also comfortable to use when in icy or very hot weather – or if you simply prefer not to use a metal whistle.
A very light whistle - weighing just 4 grams.
A Logan Whistle pouch is already included and you can purchase a lanyard from our selection.